
迎えにきたジープ p.186-187 The US side notified the National Rural Police that a Siberia repatriator, Masao Mihashi(Mitsuhashi), was a spy. However, the National Police were looking into Tadao Mihashi by mistake.

迎えにきたジープ p.186-187 The US side notified the National Rural Police that a Siberia repatriator, Masao Mihashi(Mitsuhashi), was a spy. However, the National Police were looking into Tadao Mihashi by mistake.

米国側は、シベリアの本国送還者であるミハシマサオ(ミツハシマサオ三橋正男)がスパイであると国家地方警察に通知した。 しかし、警察は三橋忠雄(ミハシタダオ)を誤って調べていた。