
迎えにきたジープ p.172-173 Wataru Kaji says. "I was arrested during the walk. I was hit by several military person. I was handcuffed, blindfolded, and transported somewhere by car. I was hit on the knee with a stick in the car."

迎えにきたジープ p.172-173 Wataru Kaji says. “I was arrested during the walk. I was hit by several military person. I was handcuffed, blindfolded, and transported somewhere by car. I was hit on the knee with a stick in the car.”

鹿地亘は言う。 「私は散歩中に逮捕されました。私は何人かの軍人に襲われました。私は手錠をかけられ、目隠しをされ、車でどこかに運ばれました。車の棒で膝を殴られました。」