
迎えにきたジープ p.202-203 Japanese men are used as tools in the US-Soviet spy battle! There is nothing unjust than such an insult to human being. It was these two countries that judged the war criminals against the defeated Japan in the name of human justice.

迎えにきたジープ p.202-203 Japanese men are used as tools in the US-Soviet spy battle! There is nothing unjust than such an insult to human being. It was these two countries that judged the war criminals against the defeated Japan in the name of human justice.

米ソのスパイ泥合戦に、日本人が道具として使われている! これほど不当な人間に対する侮辱があるだろうか。敗戦日本に対して、人類の名において、戦争犯罪人を裁いたのは、この両国ではなかっただろうか。