赤い広場―霞ヶ関 投稿一覧

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 表紙 原徳太郎による装丁デザイン。黄色地に黒とグレーのストライプ。タイトル文字は手描きによる明朝体。

赤い広場-霞ヶ関 Cover1

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 見返し 古い本なので傷みが激しい。背と表紙が剥がれている。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 Endpaper

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 目次 前半

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 Contents/the first half

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 目次 後半

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 Contents/the second half

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 本文扉ページ

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 Title page

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 1ページ 瞼の父を恋うモスクワの混血児 一 赤い恋のウシュカダラ

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.001 Mixed race child in Moscow

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 2-3ページ 共同通信のモスクワ特派員がソ連諜報部の用意したロシヤ女に恋愛した

赤い広場-霞ヶ関 p.002-003 Honey trap by Soviet intelligence department

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 4-5ページ 文芸春秋に掲載されたラストヴォロフ手記は一部が削除されていた

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.004-005 About the note of Jurij Aljeksandrovich Rastvorov from the LIFE

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 6-7ページ ラストヴォロフは、性、酒、賭博、麻薬、人間の弱みにつけ入りスパイの手先に使う日本人を落としていった

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.006-007 Sex, alcohol, gambling, drugs and all other human weaknesses

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 8-9ページ ソ連代表部は、朝日、毎日、読売の三大新聞を差し置いて共同通信だけを特別扱いした

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.008-009 deputy editorial director of Kyodo News, Jiro Sakata

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 10-11ページ 偽装結婚で生まれた子供が日本人の父親に会いたがっていると、ソ連諜報網に引き入れられる

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.010-011 Is Ogura’s child waiting for his father in Moscow?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 12-13ページ 共同通信・坂田二郎は日本政府の入ソ禁止方針に反しモスクワ入り。/北海道に落ちた赤い流れ星 一 宗谷岬に漂うソ連兵の死体

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.012-013 Soviet spy Seki Sanjiro incident

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 14-15ページ 鹿地事件、三橋事件、そして関スパイ事件、丸山警視は口を閉ざす。関事件の2カ月前、底引き網にソ連兵の腐乱死体が掛かった。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.014-015 Water corpse of Soviet soldier

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 16-17ページ 屍体検案書 身体一面塩虫に喰われたる小穴あり、死因となるべき外傷なし、水をのんだもようなし。溺死と推定されるも不明

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.016-017 Postmortem report

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 18-19ページ 死体発見から1カ月半もたってからソ連代表部が動き始めた。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.018-019 The Soviet delegation began to move.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 20-21ページ 東大法医学・上野正吉博士は、死因の矛盾を指摘。死因不明、ナゾの刺青。死体謀略か…。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.020-021 The cause of death is unknown. Mystery tattoo.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 22-23ページ 怪外人A・ヤンコフスキーが札幌へ行くが足取りがつかめず。当局が身許を調べる。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.022-023 Mystery man, A. Yankovsky leaves for Sapporo.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 24-25ページ ルーノフとサベリヨフ、2人の元ソ連代表部員は北海道各地を駆け巡りクリコフ船長ほか3名の船員の釈放を要求。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.024-025 Rounov, Saveljov, Soviet representatives demand release of Krikov captain and three sailors.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 26-27ページ ソ連側は執拗に多くの要求を出したが、日本側はほとんどすべてを拒否。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.026-027 The Soviet side persistently demands a lot of things. Japan refuses almost.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 28-29ページ 時系列を追えば謎はさらに深まる。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.028-029 Pursuing events in chronological order deepens the mystery further.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 30-31ページ 兵士の死体事件は謀略ではないか?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.030-031 Is not a soldier’s corpse case a stratagem?

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.32-33 執行猶予のクリコフの再収容を要請。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.032-033 Requests a re-imprisonment of Krikov on probation.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.34-35 米人パーミンがクリコフにつきまとう。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.034-035 An American, Parmin, was dogging Krikov.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.36-37 パーミンは米国の諜報機関員。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.036-037 Parmin is a U.S. intelligence agent.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.38-39 パーミンとA・ヤンコフスキーは同一人物。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.038-039 Parmin and A. Yankovsky are the same person.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.40-41 “東京租界”にひそむ謀略の黒い手。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.040-041 A trap of stratagem hidden in the foreign settlement of Tokyo underworld.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.42-43 ワシントンで亡命ラストヴォロフの聴取。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.042-043 Hearing of the last exiled Lastvorov in Washington.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.44-45 庄司・日暮の逮捕と山本調書。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.044-045 Arrest of Shoji and Higure. And Yamamoto report.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.46-47 『アカハタ』紙が米側の謀略だと主張。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.046-047 The Akahata argues that it is a United States stratagem.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.48-49 ラストヴォロフ事件は内調のデッチあげ、と。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.048-049 The Lastvorov case was fabricated by the Cabinet Research Office…

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.50-51 ソ連代表部の指示で書かれたアカハタ記事。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.050-051 Akahata’s article is written under the direction of the Soviet delegation.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.52-53 日暮飛び降り自殺。その真相。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.052-053 The truth of Higure jumping and committing suicide.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.54-55 米軍一等兵の愛人、鈴木千鶴子。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.054-055 Chizuko Suzuki, Mistress of the 1st class soldier of the U.S. Army.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.56-57 日暮が警察の待ち伏せをラストヴォロフに通報。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.056-057 Higure tells Lastvorov the ambush of the police in secret.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.58-59 ソ連の手先「新日本会」とは。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.058-059 What is the “New Japan Association” that the Soviet uses as an agent.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.60-61 佐藤尚武大使がソ連との協力を指示?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.060-061 Ambassador Sato Naotake directed cooperation with the Soviet Union?

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.62-63 内調の内紛を暴露するアカハタ。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.062-063 The Akahata exposes the internal trouble of the Cabinet Research Office.

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.64-65 稚拙な怪文書をだれがバラまいたのか?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.064-065 Who distributed the nasty dubious documents?

赤い広場―霞ヶ関 p.66-67 サウジ政府顧問に付き添う肝付兼一。

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.066-067 Kimotsuki Kenichi accompanied the Saudi Arabian government adviser everywhere.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.068-069 村井室長はヤミドル事件をデマだと否定

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.068-069 Murai manager claims that the illegally dollar matter is a false rumor.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.070-071 The Cabinet Research Office and Triangular relationship between Murai, Higurashi, Sono

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.070-071 The Cabinet Research Office and Triangular relationship between Murai, Higurashi, Sono

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.072-073 What is the true purpose of Murai's travel abroad?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.072-073 What is the true purpose of Murai’s travel abroad?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.074-075 Is the false rumor coming from Sono?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.074-075 Is the false rumor coming from Sono?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.076-077 Three interpretations to solve the mysterious document matter

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.076-077 Three interpretations to solve the mysterious document matter

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.078-079 A rivalry between domestic and foreign affairs bureaucrats

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.078-079 A rivalry between domestic and foreign affairs bureaucrats

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.080-081 Matsuo Yoshino, the Harbin secret military ex-agent of the Kwantung Army

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.080-081 Matsuo Yoshino, the Harbin secret military ex-agent of the Kwantung Army

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.082-083 Is Yoshino a co-operator of Lastvorov?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.082-083 Is Yoshino a co-operator of Lastvorov?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.084-085 There is no physical evidence about Yoshino.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.084-085 There is no physical evidence about Yoshino.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.086-087 Lastvorov, Shoji Shii-Are Spy's Writings Believable?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.086-087 Lastvorov, Shoji Shii-Are Spy’s Writings Believable?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.088-089 He thrust a small piece of paper hidden behind his palm into my pants pocket.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.088-089 He thrust a small piece of paper hidden behind his palm into my pants pocket.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.090-091 I decided not to inform CIC but to "cooperate" with the Soviet representative.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.090-091 I decided not to inform CIC but to “cooperate” with the Soviet representative.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.092-093 A man appeared, killed his voice and said coldly. "Совершаете самоубийством!(Commit suicide!)"

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.092-093 A man appeared, killed his voice and said coldly. “Совершаете самоубийством!(Commit suicide!)”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.094-095 The most trusted one was Shii, and the most distrusted was Yoshino.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.094-095 The most trusted one was Shii, and the most distrusted was Yoshino.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.096-097 Rastvorov did not evaluate Eiji Tokura at all. why?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.096-097 Rastvorov did not evaluate Eiji Tokura at all. why?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.098-099 Rastvorov says he cannot trust those who value it truthfully. Is Lastvorov lying?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.098-099 Rastvorov says he cannot trust those who value it truthfully. Is Lastvorov lying?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.100-101 There is a woman behind the crime. Similarly in the case of spy cases ...

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.100-101 There is a woman behind the crime. Similarly in the case of spy cases …

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.102-103 Developed from the Rastvorov incident to a more extensive the Soviet Union's investigation of the red spy network in Japan.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.102-103 Developed from the Rastvorov incident to a more extensive the Soviet Union’s investigation of the red spy network in Japan.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.104-105 On behalf of the Soviet's spy pilot who had to withdraw after the peace treaty came into force, they were trying to set up a Japanese spy pilot who would take over the work.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.104-105 On behalf of the Soviet’s spy pilot who had to withdraw after the peace treaty came into force, they were trying to set up a Japanese spy pilot who would take over the work.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.106-107 Kayoko Sata was a dollar broker from a Japanese prestigious nobles, and Yoshiko Tomioka was a enchantingly beautiful flower of foreigner society called "Madame Black Pearl".

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.106-107 Kayoko Sata was a dollar broker from a Japanese prestigious nobles, and Yoshiko Tomioka was a enchantingly beautiful flower of foreigner society called “Madame Black Pearl”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.108-109 International intelligence plot warfare is by no means simple. A city that is infested with settlement's crimes such as drugs and illegally exchanged dollar is also a stage for international espionage.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.108-109 International intelligence plot warfare is by no means simple. A city that is infested with settlement’s crimes such as drugs and illegally exchanged dollar is also a stage for international espionage.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.110-111 The first volume ended with the Rastvorov incident. And the second volume started. First, you must know about the Siberian Democratic Movement.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.110-111 The first volume ended with the Rastvorov incident. And the second volume started. First, you must know about the Siberian Democratic Movement.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.112-113 “Nihon Shimbun,” which promotes Siberian detainees, developed “Friends' Society” into “Democratic Group” and “Anti-fascist Committee” and praised Stalin.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.112-113 “Nihon Shimbun,” which promotes Siberian detainees, developed “Friends’ Society” into “Democratic Group” and “Anti-fascist Committee” and praised Stalin.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.114-115 The former Asahi Shimbun Koriyama correspondent, Nobujiro Kobari, became the chief editor of Nihon Shimbun, deceiving President Kovalenko major.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.114-115 The former Asahi Shimbun Koriyama correspondent, Nobujiro Kobari, became the chief editor of Nihon Shimbun, deceiving President Kovalenko major.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.116-117 Nihon Shimbun groups such as Kovalenko, Nobujiro Kobari, Seiki Asahara, Hisao Yanami and others, reigned as organizers and supreme bureaus.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.116-117 Nihon Shimbun groups such as Kovalenko, Nobujiro Kobari, Seiki Asahara, Hisao Yanami and others, reigned as organizers and supreme bureaus.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.118-119 It was Kenji Tsumura, a member of the Japanese Communist Party called “Emperor Nakhodka,” who sent back the reactionary elements to the deep Siberia by the People's Court.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.118-119 It was Kenji Tsumura, a member of the Japanese Communist Party called “Emperor Nakhodka,” who sent back the reactionary elements to the deep Siberia by the People’s Court.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.120-121 The Nakhodka Group was purged by the Nihon Shimbun Group.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.120-121 The Nakhodka Group was purged by the Nihon Shimbun Group.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.122-123 There was neither the rigor of Agitator Tsumura in the fearful people's court that led to that death, nor the bluff of the JCP member Tsumura.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.122-123 There was neither the rigor of Agitator Tsumura in the fearful people’s court that led to that death, nor the bluff of the JCP member Tsumura.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.124-125 In the background of the disappearance of Rastvorov, there was a camouflaged entry of Anatoly Lozanov senior lieutenant.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.124-125 In the background of the disappearance of Rastvorov, there was a camouflaged entry of Anatoly Lozanov senior lieutenant.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.126-127 Kasatkin, who impersonated Oistrakh's manager and entered Japan, conducted spying activities such as repo with Japanese spies and taking out valuable information.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.126-127 Kasatkin, who impersonated Oistrakh’s manager and entered Japan, conducted spying activities such as repo with Japanese spies and taking out valuable information.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.128-129 International conferences, sports, art are 100% abused for re-entry of former Soviet representatives to Japan.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.128-129 International conferences, sports, art are 100% abused for re-entry of former Soviet representatives to Japan.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.130-131 The Soviet representative's five organizations, the Political Department (Ministry of Internal Affairs, MVD), the Secretariat (Red Army), the Culture Department (TASS News Agency), the Trade Representative (Ministry of Trade), and the Consular Department (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) each have a spy network.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.130-131 The Soviet representative’s five organizations, the Political Department (Ministry of Internal Affairs, MVD), the Secretariat (Red Army), the Culture Department (TASS News Agency), the Trade Representative (Ministry of Trade), and the Consular Department (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) each have a spy network.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.132-133 Investigator officials leaked, “We are no longer interested in MVD(Ministry of Internal Affairs) spies. Now we are investigating the actual situation of the 4th section of the Red Army”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.132-133 Investigator officials leaked, “We are no longer interested in MVD(Ministry of Internal Affairs) spies. Now we are investigating the actual situation of the 4th section of the Red Army”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.134-135 Former Lieutenant Colonel Naonori Hosokawa (Baron) in Elabuga POW Camp was contacted by a mysterious woman. "If you refuse the job request..." the woman said, and showed a small Colt pistol.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.134-135 Former Lieutenant Colonel Naonori Hosokawa (Baron) in Elabuga POW Camp was contacted by a mysterious woman. “If you refuse the job request…” the woman said, and showed a small Colt pistol.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.136-137 The security authorities were working hard to back up the information about member of the House of councilors, Madame Tomi Kora, called “Kora fund”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.136-137 The security authorities were working hard to back up the information about member of the House of councilors, Madame Tomi Kora, called “Kora fund”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.138-139 Did money from the Soviet Union or the Chinese Communist Party flow to the FUDANREN(Japan Federation of Women's Organizations) as “Kora fund”?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.138-139 Did money from the Soviet Union or the Chinese Communist Party flow to the FUDANREN(Japan Federation of Women’s Organizations) as “Kora fund”?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.140-141 Tomi Kora explained that she had just sent the balance of her overseas trip as a traveler's check to her daughter Maki in Paris.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.140-141 Tomi Kora explained that she had just sent the balance of her overseas trip as a traveler’s check to her daughter Maki in Paris.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.142-143 When Tomi Kora attended the Moscow Economic Conference, a mysterious secretary Shigeru Matsuyama (real name: Michitaro Murakami) accompanied her. Who is he?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.142-143 When Tomi Kora attended the Moscow Economic Conference, a mysterious secretary Shigeru Matsuyama (real name: Michitaro Murakami) accompanied her. Who is he?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.144-145 Michitaro Murakami proactively promoted and educated communism while in Siberia like as a Soviet political officer.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.144-145 Michitaro Murakami proactively promoted and educated communism while in Siberia like as a Soviet political officer.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.146-147 Michitaro Murakami was a complete red who had been forced to communize prisoners in Siberian camps. Tomi Kora and Michitaro Murakami's travel expenses came from a funds of the Chinese Communist Party...

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.146-147 Michitaro Murakami was a complete red who had been forced to communize prisoners in Siberian camps. Tomi Kora and Michitaro Murakami’s travel expenses came from a funds of the Chinese Communist Party…

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.148-149 A question and answer with Michitaro Murakami. “You were Communist active in Siberia. Why did you enter the Soviet Union as a secretary of Tomi Kora and used pseudonym?”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.148-149 A question and answer with Michitaro Murakami. “You were Communist active in Siberia. Why did you enter the Soviet Union as a secretary of Tomi Kora and used pseudonym?”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.150-151 In Siberia, Activist Michitaro Murakami ruled the Raichikhinsk camp after the exile of "the Emperor Raichikhinsk" Shizuo Nakanishi, and was called "the Emperor Murakami".

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.150-151 In Siberia, Activist Michitaro Murakami ruled the Raichikhinsk camp after the exile of “the Emperor Raichikhinsk” Shizuo Nakanishi, and was called “the Emperor Murakami”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.152-153 What did Tomi Kora and Michitaro Murakami do in the Soviet Union? What happened?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.152-153 What did Tomi Kora and Michitaro Murakami do in the Soviet Union? What happened?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.154-155 Tomi Kora who entered the Soviet Union was given a mission by the Soviet authorities. And she noticed for the first time that she was being manipulated by secretary Michitaro Murakami.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.154-155 Tomi Kora who entered the Soviet Union was given a mission by the Soviet authorities. And she noticed for the first time that she was being manipulated by secretary Michitaro Murakami.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.156-157 I tried to hear the facts from Tomi Kora, Kei Hoashi, Kisuke Miyakoshi, and Albert Lee, but all denied. A senior Chinese embassy said, “If you ask him, no one will admit it.”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.156-157 I tried to hear the facts from Tomi Kora, Kei Hoashi, Kisuke Miyakoshi, and Albert Lee, but all denied. A senior Chinese embassy said, “If you ask him, no one will admit it.”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.158-159 Albert Lee's lawyer threatened me, "If you don't revoke the article, you'll have $ 4 million in damages and $ 6 million in compensation, as well as a defamation case."

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.158-159 Albert Lee’s lawyer threatened me, “If you don’t revoke the article, you’ll have $ 4 million in damages and $ 6 million in compensation, as well as a defamation case.”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.160-161 The Soviet Union, through the Communist Party of Japan, is inciting anti-Americanism against the US imperialism and the Yoshida reaction cabinet. It is also trying to contain the repatriate problems and territorial issues.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.160-161 The Soviet Union, through the Communist Party of Japan, is inciting anti-Americanism against the US imperialism and the Yoshida reaction cabinet. It is also trying to contain the repatriate problems and territorial issues.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.162-163 The Japan-Soviet Trade Promotion Association was established as an external organization of the Japan-Soviet Friendship Association. And there was a Siberian-Organizer Minoru Tanabe.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.162-163 The Japan-Soviet Trade Promotion Association was established as an external organization of the Japan-Soviet Friendship Association. And there was a Siberian-Organizer Minoru Tanabe.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.164-165 "The monster" Fusanosuke Kuhara, the chairman of the Japan-Soviet Union National Congress on Restoration of the Diplomatic Relations, encouraged the Japanese government to take advantage of the Soviet policy.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.164-165 ”The monster” Fusanosuke Kuhara, the chairman of the Japan-Soviet Union National Congress on Restoration of the Diplomatic Relations, encouraged the Japanese government to take advantage of the Soviet policy.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.166-167 It was a Siberian-Organizer Masanobu Doi, who was in Khabarovsk camp, who pulled out "The monster" Fusanosuke Kuhara.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.166-167 It was a Siberian-Organizer Masanobu Doi, who was in Khabarovsk camp, who pulled out “The monster” Fusanosuke Kuhara.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.168-169 The spies and organizers that the Soviet Union has educated and trained Japanese POWs in Siberia are now performing their duties.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.168-169 The spies and organizers that the Soviet Union has educated and trained Japanese POWs in Siberia are now performing their duties.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.170-171 Rastvorov confessed that $ 450,000 was handed from the Soviet Union to the Japanese Communist Party.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.170-171 Rastvorov confessed that $ 450,000 was handed from the Soviet Union to the Japanese Communist Party.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.172-173 Foreign Minister Shigemitsu denied the fact that there was a person who belonged to Rastvorov, the Soviet spy, in the delegation with full authority of negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.172-173 Foreign Minister Shigemitsu denied the fact that there was a person who belonged to Rastvorov, the Soviet spy, in the delegation with full authority of negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.174-175 After the question of Zentaro Kosaka, Eiji Tokura (Rastvorov's spy?) was exempted from the delegation with full authority of negotiations.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.174-175 After the question of Zentaro Kosaka, Eiji Tokura (Rastvorov’s spy?) was exempted from the delegation with full authority of negotiations.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.176-177 Rastvorov has repeatedly approached Eiji Tokura to work as a spy. But he refused it, Rastvorov said.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.176-177 Rastvorov has repeatedly approached Eiji Tokura to work as a spy. But he refused it, Rastvorov said.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.178-179 Those evaluated by Rastvorov betrayed Rastvolov and cooperated with police authorities. But, those he says badly are uncooperative with police. So are they really Soviet spies?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.178-179 Those evaluated by Rastvorov betrayed Rastvolov and cooperated with police authorities. But, those he says badly are uncooperative with police. So are they really Soviet spies?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.180-181 Rastvorov's confession is 95% true. But the remaining 5% are intentional traps or lies?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.180-181 Rastvorov’s confession is 95% true. But the remaining 5% are intentional traps or lies?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.182-183 Saito National Police Agency Commissioner said, “There are more than 60 Japanese Soviet spies under Rastvorov.”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.182-183 Saito National Police Agency Commissioner said, “There are more than 60 Japanese Soviet spies under Rastvorov.”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.184-185 The Soviet Union thought that Japan-Soviet negotiations would never be held under the Yoshida Liberal Party administration. Therefore, they worked to create the Hatoyama administration.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.184-185 The Soviet Union thought that Japan-Soviet negotiations would never be held under the Yoshida Liberal Party administration. Therefore, they worked to create the Hatoyama administration.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.186-187 Fusanosuke Kuhara is a Japanese who boasts that "Stalin and I can talk to each other without hesitation". Kuhara was elected chairman of the Japan-Soviet diplomatic conference.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.186-187 Fusanosuke Kuhara is a Japanese who boasts that “Stalin and I can talk to each other without hesitation”. Kuhara was elected chairman of the Japan-Soviet diplomatic conference.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.188-189 Japan proposed New York as a candidate site for the Japan-Soviet conference, but the Soviet Union refused. Because the information goes through the US Department of State.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.188-189 Japan proposed New York as a candidate site for the Japan-Soviet conference, but the Soviet Union refused. Because the information goes through the US Department of State.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.190-191 The ECAFE conference was a place of intelligence and plot. Six of the Soviet representatives were organizers of spy work. And Menshikov came to Japan.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.190-191 The ECAFE conference was a place of intelligence and plot. Six of the Soviet representatives were organizers of spy work. And Menshikov came to Japan.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.192-193 Was the confidential document of the Japan-Soviet negotiations passed to the Soviet Union via the UK? Is the Soviet Union and the UK cooperating?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.192-193 Was the confidential document of the Japan-Soviet negotiations passed to the Soviet Union via the UK? Is the Soviet Union and the UK cooperating?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.194-195 It was Ikuo Shimizu who guided Domnitsky and Chasovnikov to the Hatoyama residence. According to Akahata, Ikuo Shimizu is a member of the Baba syndicate that made by Yusuke Baba, who is the agent of the US intelligence agency.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.194-195 It was Ikuo Shimizu who guided Domnitsky and Chasovnikov to the Hatoyama residence. According to Akahata, Ikuo Shimizu is a member of the Baba syndicate that made by Yusuke Baba, who is the agent of the US intelligence agency.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.196-197 Ikuo Shimizu's father was a very important person leading to the Soviet Union. Only he among the nine comrades survived. Now, Ikuo Shimizu may be operating a famous politician.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.196-197 Ikuo Shimizu’s father was a very important person leading to the Soviet Union. Only he among the nine comrades survived. Now, Ikuo Shimizu may be operating a famous politician.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.198-199 When I abandoned further research, the analyst told me. “It ’s better not to touch it. You also have a wife and a child ... ”At that moment, a terrible ran through my spine.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.198-199 When I abandoned further research, the analyst told me. “It ’s better not to touch it. You also have a wife and a child … ”At that moment, a terrible ran through my spine.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.200-201 An elegant woman about 27 or 8 years old visited me at the Metropolitan Police Department's kisha club. She wants me to provide information about an American.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.200-201 An elegant woman about 27 or 8 years old visited me at the Metropolitan Police Department’s kisha club. She wants me to provide information about an American.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.202-203 I checked the owner of this phone. "Masonic Building, 1 Shiba-Sakaecho, Minato-ku." Suikosha became the headquarters of Freemasonry after the war and was called Masonic Building. ——She was at Freemasonry!

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.202-203 I checked the owner of this phone. “Masonic Building, 1 Shiba-Sakaecho, Minato-ku.” Suikosha became the headquarters of Freemasonry after the war and was called Masonic Building. ——She was at Freemasonry!

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.204-205 I wanted to know what caused this Masonic executive conflict. This is a serious problem. Now, on the earth divided into two worlds, liberalism, communism, and the ties that connect them are Jewish Freemasonry.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.204-205 I wanted to know what caused this Masonic executive conflict. This is a serious problem. Now, on the earth divided into two worlds, liberalism, communism, and the ties that connect them are Jewish Freemasonry.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.206-207 This Masonic story did not seem so important at the time, but it appeared before me when the negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union started.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.206-207 This Masonic story did not seem so important at the time, but it appeared before me when the negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union started.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.208-209 Osias, who had promoted Hatoyama to the Masonic third class, asked Juji Kasai to become the Consul General. He also asked Kasai's acquaintance, Al Shattuck to become a consul. Everyone is a freemason.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.208-209 Osias, who had promoted Hatoyama to the Masonic third class, asked Juji Kasai to become the Consul General. He also asked Kasai’s acquaintance, Al Shattuck to become a consul. Everyone is a freemason.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.210-211 Shattuck was an undercover agent at the Canon Unit. After the return of Major Cannon, he managed Canon's accumulation. Shattuck joins Freemasonry and connects with Ted Lewin and Maurice Lipton.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.210-211 Shattuck was an undercover agent at the Canon Unit. After the return of Major Cannon, he managed Canon’s accumulation. Shattuck joins Freemasonry and connects with Ted Lewin and Maurice Lipton.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.212-213 In the fall of 1952, I was investigating a Masonic Jewish trading company in connection with the "Tokyo Concession". At that time, I wondered, "Where will the profits of millions of yen earned from many crimes go?"

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.212-213 In the fall of 1952, I was investigating a Masonic Jewish trading company in connection with the “Tokyo Concession”. At that time, I wondered, “Where will the profits of millions of yen earned from many crimes go?”

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.214-215 What works behind the negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union---is it Siberian Organizer, Freemasonry, or the Cannon Unit of CIA, or even the British Secret Intelligence Service?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.214-215 What works behind the negotiations between Japan and the Soviet Union—is it Siberian Organizer, Freemasonry, or the Cannon Unit of CIA, or even the British Secret Intelligence Service?

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.216-217 "There is no diplomacy without information," said a Foreign Ministry bureaucracy. However, the times have already come to a point where "a nation cannot exist without information and plot".

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.216-217 ”There is no diplomacy without information,” said a Foreign Ministry bureaucracy. However, the times have already come to a point where “a nation cannot exist without information and plot”.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.218-219 I have recently obtained information that seems very rude and inaccurate for the PM. The reason is that he makes a donation to Prime Minister Hatoyama for 2 million yen every year.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.218-219 I have recently obtained information that seems very rude and inaccurate for the PM. The reason is that he makes a donation to Prime Minister Hatoyama for 2 million yen every year.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.221 Afterword The only reason I wrote this book was because I thought that the "truth" had to be made known to as many people as possible.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.221 Afterword The only reason I wrote this book was because I thought that the “truth” had to be made known to as many people as possible.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.222-223 This "Red-Kasumigaseki" reveals that the "hidden world" is not a fiction, but a real world, moving around a well-known influential person.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.222-223 This “Red-Kasumigaseki” reveals that the “hidden world” is not a fiction, but a real world, moving around a well-known influential person.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.224-奥付 Imprint Red-Kasumigaseki July 30, 1955 1st printing issue ¥ 130 Author: Kazuo Mita Publisher: Hiroshi Noroyama Publishing house: 20th century company 3-13 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo TEL 33 4356 Printer: Seiichi Niikura Bookbinder: Tanishima bookbinding We will replace missing pages and random pages.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 p.224-奥付 Imprint Red-Kasumigaseki July 30, 1955 1st printing issue ¥ 130 Author: Kazuo Mita Publisher: Hiroshi Noroyama Publishing house: 20th century company 3-13 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo TEL 33 4356 Printer: Seiichi Niikura Bookbinder: Tanishima bookbinding We will replace missing pages and random pages.

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 巻末広告-見返し End-of-page advertising, inside cover

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 巻末広告-見返し End-of-page advertising, inside cover

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 裏表紙 貼付付箋 東京地方検察庁 昭和43年 差出人等 三田和夫 被擬者 松本清張 捜二送第73号 ※この『赤い広場―霞ヶ関』の表紙・本文画像は、訴訟資料として東京地検に提出されたものを原本としています。(松本清張著『深層海流』に本書の一部が剽窃されたとして三田和夫が告訴した際のものと思われます)

赤い広場ー霞ヶ関 裏表紙 貼付付箋 東京地方検察庁 昭和43年 差出人等 三田和夫 被擬者 松本清張 捜二送第73号 ※この『赤い広場―霞ヶ関』の表紙・本文画像は、訴訟資料として東京地検に提出されたものを原本としています。(松本清張著『深層海流』に本書の一部が剽窃されたとして三田和夫が告訴した際のものと思われます)