迎えにきたジープ p.010-011 Suddenly, several foreigners attacked Katsumi Sasaki and beat his face. Sasaki fell on the spot with the first attack of foreigners.
迎えにきたジープ p.012-013 The next morning, he left his will at the bedside, went to the garden shed with new sandals so as not to make any noise, and was hanging himself with careful preparation to turn off the used flashlight.
迎えにきたジープ p.014-015 Eighteen groups of armed intelligence agents have been deployed along the border between the Soviet Union and Manchuria as a squadron to investigate the Soviet Union’s intention to enter the war.
迎えにきたジープ p.016-017 SMERSH was infiltrating into Manchurian territory, such as a Soviet female captain being a waitress at a White-Russian Club, or a Soviet Colonel working as a gatekeeper for Mukden’s special service.
迎えにきたジープ p.018-019 The Soviet Army’s aim was to arrest Japanese war criminals and to detect White-Russians and reverse spies, but more importantly, to forfeit the vast Soviet information collected by the Kwantung Army.
迎えにきたジープ p.020-021 A full order to collect Soviet information has been issued to GHQ. Therefore, GHQ’s G-2 (Information Division) was set up with a History Division and a Geography Division, and recruited former Japanese military personnel as staff.