迎えにきたジープ p.110-111 Of the 4000 POWs, 95% were infected with typhus fever and 30% died. There are 2,800 prisoners left. The treatment and whereabouts of the dead are unknown. The Soviet Union created a wartime POW list of only the surviving prisoners.
迎えにきたジープ p.112-113 The Soviet representative’s car ZIM is touring a fixed course in central and suburbs of Tokyo at a fixed time. Then, a car following the ZIM appears out of nowhere.
迎えにきたジープ p.116-117 ”In my judgment, he is the de facto director of the information department of the representative of Soviet, and is definitely Captain Kirikov, who arrested Japanese bacterial war criminals in the Khabarovsk trial.”
迎えにきたジープ p.118-119 If it turn out that Kirikov arrive, he is the authority of the germ war, so we must pay attention. He will probably contact Maj. Gen. Otani, so let’s arrest there.
迎えにきたジープ p.120-121 Bacteriology in Japan was at the top level in the world, and advanced in the field of bacterial warfare. The aim of the Soviet rapid invasion was to obtain the flawless research results of Ishii Unit.
迎えにきたジープ p.122-123 According to the “Tairiku-mondai” magazine, the status of preparations for bacterial warfare of the US and the Soviet Union are as follows. In the Soviet, Dzerzhinsk, Yevpatoria, Omsk, Tomsk, and in the US, Maryland’s Detrick Camp…
迎えにきたジープ p.124-125 There is a shrine on the west side of Heihe and there is a “spy’s house” beside it. Manchurian spies regularly go to Blagoveshchensk for hand over the information of the Japanese side to the Soviet side, and receive the information of the Soviet side instead.
迎えにきたジープ p.126-127 All personnel documents about him have been burned down. He was reported dead. And there is only one superior who knows what happened to him–this was the fate of Nakano graduates.
迎えにきたジープ p.128-129 In Harbin, like every night, Communist Party military police squad with large pistol patrolled the dance halls. The purpose was to hunt for the Kuomintang special agency (kuo-tau).
迎えにきたジープ p.130-131 Katsumura remembered. Siberia five years ago. A man who jumped into a urine barrel with encephalopathy when typhus fever was raging. It overlaps with the man’s face he saw at Club Pigeon.